Uganda has joined the growing number of countries to close all education facilities to try and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, which has left 15 million children out of school and facing increased risk of violence, exploitation and abuse. But...
Our Youth Empowerment Programme, funded in partnership with Bulgari, supports rural youth in northern Uganda to access savings and financial services, get vocational skills, start small businesses, and advocate for change in their communities.
The language barrier in the classroom is one of the major challenges to effective education for refugee children in Uganda. The Education Consortium, led by Save the Children, with funding from Education Cannot Wait, has worked with a Language...
This paper is the third in a series of policy briefs produced by Uganda’s National Child Protection Working Group, with support from Save the Children. It outlines how corruption prevents effective reporting and response to child abuse and sexual...
Sub-Saharan Africa hosts almost a third of all refugees in the world. This briefing for the African Union Heads of State Summit sets out how to improve education for refugee and host community children, focusing on cases from Uganda and Chad.
Children and youth form the bulk of the population globally. This is even more the case in developing countries including Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia as covered under this study. There have been endeavours to ensure this next generation of adults...
This paper is the second in a series of policy briefs produced by Uganda’s National Child Protection Working Group, with support from Save the Children. Despite enormous child protection needs in Uganda, national funding for the sector remains...
This booklet (June 2019) presents some stories of change from young people and adults from the 8 countries in East and Southern Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) where the Adolescent Sexual and...
Read this brochure to learn more about the Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Project that was implemented in 8 countries and at the regional level, from 2016 to 2019.
This policy brief is the first in a series produced by Uganda’s National Child Protection Working Group, with support from Save the Children. One in four girls and one in 10 boys in Uganda suffer sexual violence each year, yet most cases go...