Empowering youth to influence budget planning

In a transformative initiative to enhance adolescent health outcome, Save the Children under the RAISE project is making significant strides in Kasese district. Now in its third year, the project is not only addressing maternal and child health but also integrating reproductive health for a holistic impact on the community.
During the period, the project built capacity of 42 young people, partners, and project staff on the youth parliamentary concept to enable them practically engage key decision-makers on budget processes during planning and provide alternative views reflecting young people’s and children’s voices. RAISE is establishing structures aimed at fortifying advocacy efforts, with a primary focus on budget allocation and service improvement at the district level.
The project is keen on influencing decision-makers to prioritize the health and well-being of adolescents in Kasese. In a groundbreaking move, in January, RAISE youth training led to the establishment of four youth parliamentary platforms across selected sub-counties in Kasese. These platforms empower people to meaningfully participate in decision-making processes with their local governments, offering a platform to voice their opinions on matters affecting them directly.
“I appreciate Save the Children for creating platforms to discuss issues that affect young people. Through the different trainings, the youth now understand how crucial their voices are in the budgeting process,” says Baluku Godfrey. “Youth have developed skills of expression on issues affecting them. When youth speak up, leaders respond and commit to finding lasting solutions to those issues.
The trainings have also taught us that problem solving is not always about money but sharing ideas,” says Promise Mumbere.