Restoring hope through the Nurturing Care Framework

By: Regis Ahumuza, Learning and Documentation Officer
Having escaped the devastating events in South Sudan as a refugee, Maria's life took a significant transformation when she became a part of Save the Children's Nurturing Care Framework (NCF) project, funded by Dubai Cares Foundation.
Being enrolled as a caregiver for children aged 0-3 years, Maria started on a journey towards improved parenting and a brighter future
Separated from her husband during the harrowing escape to the settlement community, Maria was burdened by feelings of bitterness and resentment, inadvertently casting a shadow over her interactions with her children. Minor mistakes would trigger harsh words, and the simple joys of playtime were dismissed as frivolous.
However, destiny had a different trajectory in mind for Maria and her children. A compassionate frontline worker from Save the Children reached out to Maria, inviting her to participate in a transformative parenting session within her community.
Recognizing that her struggles were not unique, Maria decided to engage with the parenting group, embarking on a journey of personal growth and learning as a parent.
Save the Children conducted parenting sessions in groups of 20 caregivers, spreading knowledge about antenatal services, immunization, good feeding practices, playing with children, hygiene, and sanitation. Over 18 sessions spanning three months, Maria absorbed valuable knowledge and skills from the 5 modules presented.
Maria reflects, "My one-and-a-half-year-old daughter has reaped the most benefits from this initiative. I ensured her immunizations, a step I regrettably missed with my older children."
Through regular nutritional assessments and the practice of improved hygiene, Maria witnessed a remarkable enhancement in her family's overall health, resulting in fewer visits to the hospital.
The far-reaching impact of this project extended to 32,090 caregivers, including 8,129 men and 23,961 women, who were directly engaged. This knowledge dissemination had a ripple effect as these caregivers, in turn, shared their newfound insights with others.
Furthermore, a total of 40,977 children, encompassing 20,628 boys and 20,369 girls, benefited from comprehensive growth monitoring, personalized home visits, early case detection, unwavering support, and well-informed referrals during the project's initial two-year phase.
Maria became an exemplary parent in her community, guiding and supporting others on good parenting practices. Her influence was seen when she advised a mother to seek medical help instead of relying solely on herbs when her children fell sick. The mother followed Maria’s suggestion, leading to improved healthcare-seeking habits for her entire family.
Despite her husband's absence, Maria's resolute commitment to shaping a better future for her family remained unswerving. Embracing sustainable agriculture, she cultivated crops such as sorghum, tomatoes, and simsim to generate income, thereby ensuring her children's needs and aspirations were met.Her dreams revolved around providing education to her children, empowering them to become future healthcare providers, and catalyzing positive change within their community.
Through the project's nurturing care components, Maria found hope, love, and strength. With a heartfelt smile, Maria expressed deep gratitude to Save the Children for the knowledge gained through the NCF project. It has transformed her life, her children's lives, and her community.