Mark, a determined and spirited 15-year-old, faces life with resilience despite living with a physical disability that confines him to a wheelchair. His ambition is to excel in his studies and become the class monitor, fueled by his love for mathematics and English. Mark sees his wheelchair not just as a means of mobility but as a symbol of his strength and determination.
Despite the challenges, Mark receives support from his teachers who take the time to explain concepts to him. He values his education and the opportunities it brings, expressing gratitude for the care and understanding he receives at school.
Mark’s family is supportive and happy that he has the opportunity to attend school, emphasizing the importance of a strong support system in overcoming challenges.
Save the Children in consortium with the Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD), the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU), the Stromme Foundation of East Africa (STROMME), Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Uganda (SHA-U), the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda (AMFIU), Inclusion Uganda (IU) is implementing the “Together for Inclusion” (TOFI) project in Northern Uganda with funding from the Atlas Alliance.
The goal of this project is to contribute to the fulfillment of rights for persons with disabilities in Gulu and Amuru districts - particularly children in thirty Government Primary schools through Human Rights Advocacy and Inclusive Education. The project whose implementation timeline is 2020-2024 focuses on two thematic areas namely: inclusive education (85%) and human rights (15%).
As a result of this program Save the Children has registered increased enrollment almost by 70% of children with special needs.