Catch Up Clubs accelerate improved academic performance in central Uganda

By: Aron Mukwana
706 learners (347 boys and 359 girls) under the People’s Postcode Lottery, PPL3 project implemented by Save the Children in Wakiso graduated after continuous learning and assessment in the areas of Literacy and numeracy for a period of ten weeks. The learning was conducted through play and using locally available materials.
In addition to improving learners’ literacy and numeracy skills, catch-up clubs equipped learners with skills on how to interact well with other people in the community they live in and building their confidence. “During the catch-up sessions, our mentor Samantha taught us how to relate with other people well and I now relate with my classmates well”. Phiona,13, in primary six.
Save the Children with the help of class teachers identified learners who were struggling in areas of literacy and Numeracy and enrolled them into the Catch-up Clubs. Save the Children also recruited, trained, and equipped community facilitators and mentors with knowledge and skills of handling learners in the Catch-up club. It also provided scholastic materials to learners; reading and learning aids to facilitate learning and facilitates.
At the time of graduation, learners had exhibited great improvement in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Ryan,10 years old in grade 4 proudly said that he now scores highly in mathematics as result of attending the Catch-up sessions. “Before joining the Catch-up Club, I used to struggle with mathematics, but now I perform well. In our beginning of term test, I scored 96% in Mathematics, and I was the best in our class.” “Some learners had dropped out of school, but catch-up clubs brought them back to school.
They used to struggle with reading at first but now they can read and construct sentences with ease after going through the catch-up sessions”. Teacher Monica, P3 class teacher reports. Daniel Lule, a parent and chairman of the Parent Teacher Association says; “Catch up clubs have helped our children greatly in the area of numeracy. My daughter has greatly improved, and we are positive that what they have learnt in the catch-up clubs is going to help them in their studies.
We are grateful to Save the Children for this initiative,”. The Headteacher of Mwerwerwe Catholic Primary School says that out of the 3 learners that obtained division one in the primary leaving examinations for the year 2023, two were regular participants in the catch-up clubs and strongly attributes the great performance to the extra effort of the Catch-up Club Facilitators.